Lectures 2014
National chairman & invited guest faculty
January, 10th, 11th & 12th / Jaipur
INDO-US Foot & Ankle Course
- Imaging in foot and ankle
- Talar fractures
- Subtalar arthrodesis:open method
- Achilles tendonitis: insertional & non insertional
- Neglected ankle fracture
- Calcaneal malunion
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Workshop coordinator & Invited guest faculty
February, 7th, 8th & 9th / Ahmedabad
GOACON – Annual Conference Of Gujarat Orthopaedic Association
- Other foot fractures: Have you forgotten them?
- Workshop: Calcanela fracture
Invited guest faculty
April, 26th & 27th / Cochin
- Radiological analytical parameters for ankle fracture
- Fracture talus
- Are results of open reduction and internal fixation of fracture calcaneus better?
- My worst case
KASSACON: Meeting Of Kolkatta Association Of Sports
- Imaging in ankle and foot disorders
- AAFD – grade 2 —
- VIDEO Insertional tendinitis SURGERY – Indegenous technique
- Chronic ankle pain —
- VIDEO – Decompression for tarsal tunnel syndrome
Invited guest faculty
June, 22nd / Surat
Surat Orthopaedic Association Meeting
- Management of acute & chronic Ankle ligament injuries
- Adult flatfoot – Approach to stages & Management
- Diabetic foot problem: where can orthopaedic surgeon help?
- Case discussions
2nd Midyear INDO-US Foot And Ankle Meeting
- Radiological anatomy in foot & ankle
- Calcaneal malunion
- Ankle malunion
- Midfoot injuries
- Subtalar arthritis
- Ingrowing toe nail
- Insertional tendinosis
- Case discussions
BOA- Traumacon
- Lisfranc injuries: diagnostic dilemma & management
- Case discussions
Goa- P.G.Lecture Course
- Calcaneal fractures
Invited guest faculty
August, 24th / Vadodara
IMA- Symposium On Diabetes Management
- Diabetic foot problems
President elect & Invited guest faculty
August, 29th , 30th& 31st / Pune
Annual Meeting Of Indian Foot & Ankle Society,IFFASCON-2014
- An ideal foot and ankle set up
- Management of Malunion # Calcaneum
- Ankle fusion- open Tech- Tips and Tricks
- Video- Insertional Achilles tendinitis
- Video- Ankle Fusion
- Demonstration- Examination in foot and ankle, Regional blocks in foot and ankle
- Demonstration- Special implants and materials in foot and ankle
- Demonstration of Live Surgery
- Saw bone workshop – Calcaneal fractures
BOS-Bombay Orthopaedic Society – Foot & Ankle Course
- Calcaneus – lateral approach and management of calcaneus fractures
- Lesser toes are not less
- Hallux valgus
- ORIF Talus, Talar neck screws, Malleolar Osteotomy
- ORIF calcaneus
- ORIF Lisfranc injury
- Tendoachilles rupture repair & reconstruction
- Proximal & distal first ray osteotomy
- 1st MTP fusion
- Osteotomy of lesser toes
Gwangju – International Foot And Ankle Symposium – South Korea
- Malunited Calcaneus
- Heel pain
MOACON – Annual Meeting Of Maharasthra Orthopaedic Association
- Foot and ankle malunions
- Unresolved ankle sprain
- Plantar heel pain
- Calcaneal malunion
- Posterior heel pathology
- Surgery for heel pain
- Lateral ligament reconstruction
IFAS International Foot And Ankle Course
- Calcaneal fractures with video
- Tips & ricks for management of talar fractures
- Flat foot-stage 1 & 2
- Ankle malunion
- Calcaneal malunion with video
- Case discussions
- Workshops
IFAS Indore Foot And Ankle Course
- Calcaneal fractures: algorithm & ORIF
- Ten commandments of midfoot trauma
- Calcaneal malunion
- Heel pain
- Videos
- Cases
- Workshops